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Wednesday 10 June 2009

ShinHwa,Jun Jin,holds fanmeeting at Japan before he go to military service

Singer Jun Jin (29) holds mini-concert fanmeeting at the Tokyo Convention Hall prior to his mandatory military service.

Over 1,000 fans attended the event. Jun Jin performed 9 songs, including the title song "Hey Ya" and "Like a Fool" from his new mini-album "Fascination released last month.

In addition, while sharing talks with fans, he took measurements of his body, for those fans who wanted to give him a suit as a present. As far as the Seoul concert is concern Jun Jin said: " Although, we dont have a date set yet, I want you all to come".

When the official event was finished and after a draw was made, some lucky fans and fanclub members, were chosen to enjoy dinner jointly with Jun Jin at a Korean Restaurant + +
Thanks to:Asian Fanatics

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