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Sunday 4 April 2010

SS501 Kim Hyun Joong created a suspenssions to his fans

On the 1st, Kim HyunJoong of SS501 has made an announcement on his official website.

"....................................... 2010-04-01 PM 12:32:08
On Wednesday... I'm going to study abroad in Spain.
There are many things going in my head, and I'll be back after I get organized with my thoughts.
501 has to release an album, but we didn't record a single song and no songs have been confirmed.. It's a situation where it is making my head dizzy.
The album to be released on May 1st... It may be a promise that cannot be fulfilled.. I'm sorry..
Don't be too shocked at my choice, and trust in my choices and support me like you always did. I really mean it. I don't regret my choices.. So trust in me.
My last post on the official site.....
Sincerely, HyunJoong"

However, if you notice the date.... Yes, it was HyunJoong's own little April Fool's joke to his fans.

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