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Saturday, 29 May 2010

Rain will be going to army next year

Singer actor Rain (27) has received the warrant for army enlistment on 28th September, but due to some legal reasons, it has been postponed till next year.

A JTune Entertainment rep told MyDaily on 28th May, “Rain has received warrant for army enlistment this year on 28th September. But because he is currently taking courses in a DanKook Unversity, due to reasons of his study and schedule, he has applied for the enlistment date to be postponed till next year.”

Rain is currently studying at the mass cultural arts faculty in DanKook Unversity and since he has until 28 years old to enlist for army, he still has about 1 year more before he can do so. Rain’s birthday is on 25th June. And ahead of that, he has applied for postponement and the application has been accepted at the Military Manpower Administration.

Rain is currently promoting the followup hit ‘Hip Song’ off his recent special album. And he is set to appear in upcoming KBS ‘Fugitive’ in September.
