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Thursday 31 December 2009

Super Junior Hankyung act Termination Trial Begins Jan 8

Hangeng Contract Termination Trial Begins Jan 8
Recently, SJ leader ((TN: They mean SJM, as usual)) Hangeng’s contract termination request with SM Entertainment has caused great turmoil after being disclosed by the media. As Hangeng’s representative lawyer Lee disclosed recently, Hangeng has already turned in a “Suspension of Contract Agreement” request and a “Contract Termination” request to court. The trials will begin January 8th in Korea. To stop SM Entertainment from using delaying tactics, Hangeng has especially requested a “Suspension of Contract Agreement”. If the agreement is approved by court, Hangeng will be freed no earlier than March of next year.

Translated Source: twelfs
Original text: HERE
Sorry for the mess up mods! This is my first omona post :)

"Hangeng's case to begin on January 8th

  Regarding Hangeng and SM's case, there's been a lot of rumors, and Hangeng's representative lawyer, Lawyer Lee; accepted an interview from Sina today, talking about the case. Lawyer Lee revealed, Hangeng submitted two documents to court, "Suspend Contract" and "Terminate Contract" papers; and is similar to those from previous SM lawsuits. They plan to begin the case next year January 8th, Hangeng himself won't be there, but will be represented by his lawyer. Lawyer Lee proclaimed, because this case is kind of complicated, so we can't calculate the percentage of winning right now.

  The fastest he can end this is in March

  Regarding Korean Laws, the person that's sueing's document of "Terminating Contract" has to go through 1st investigation, 2nd investigation, and 3rd investigation; these 3 steps; 1st & 2nd step. Some of them even exceed 8 months. To prevent SME from extending the battle, Hangeng also submitted a "Suspend Contract" document. This one takes 3-4 months. This means that at the fastest, Geng'll be free from SME in March.

  Currently Resting, refuses to talk to SME.

  There were media that talked about Geng's contract conditions, Lawyer Lee confirms it, same as the Media's guesses "There's some proofs". He spilled that, Hangeng's currently on vacation mode, He won't be participating in any performances. One side is because Hangeng doesn't feel well, and needs time to recover, not talking with the company means not starting unnecessary shit (he didnt use shit, but thats the only word i find appropriate). Another side is that because he already submitted a lawsuit, it's kind of awkward with the company. If hangeng attends another SME's activity, it'll cause people's unnecessary guesses. So the Lawyer suggests to not participate in any SM activities. Regarding CFs, Lawyer Lee said that if it's not with SJ, and it's a Solo commercial, then they can consider it. "

Sina Article translated by

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