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Sunday, 13 December 2009

After School,Uee Choosed Rain as her number 1

UEE was a guest on today's episode of KBS Champagne where she got to play the famous game, Ideal Type World Cup.

The popular After School member confessed, "I can't kiss guys I meet for the first time. In second year of high school, I kissed someone for the first time. He was a fellow trainee. I would fool around a lot so he said, 'If you do that again, I'm going to kiss you.' So I told him, 'Do it. Do it.'"

She then went on to explain how he also betrayed her, "But out of nowhere, I couldn't get in contact with him. And I noticed that him and a fellow girl trainee were acting weird. Less than a week after breaking up with me, he started going out with that girl trainee."

She shared another different yet still shocking confession, "I've never gotten asked out by a male star."

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