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Wednesday 8 April 2009

Lee Jun Ki,injured his ankle,

Actor Lee Junki injured his ankle on the 5th while practicing for his fan concert 'Episode 2' that was scheduled for the 18th. It seems that he was practicing a performance that involved wires and him being in the air when he fell. Although he wasn't seriously injured, he still sprained his left ankle. He was checked at a hospital and released to let it heal naturally, but he's already back to getting ready for the concert. Lee Junki's company said "While Lee Junki was practicing the wire performance, there was a misunderstanding and he ended up falling. He is letting it heal naturally even through bruised legs and swollen hands."

An onlooker mentioned "Because he is normally very athletic and has good reflexes there wasn't a big accident, but his muscles have received some shock. Even with this, he has thrown himself back into practicing with even more fervor than before. There will be no setbacks at the concert." For the fan concert on the 18th, he plans to have approximately 4000 overseas fans alone and his fans are dying to see his drastic transformation.

credits: allkpop

Pity on him,i hope everythings are fine.

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