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Tuesday 31 March 2009

Super Junior’s Lee Teuk's good in smelling

*watch from the 0.29

Netizens have been speculating on what Lee Teuk could’ve smelled for him to give such a repulsed expression. Some say it’s obvious that Min Kyung let one rip. Others believe it may have been Jo Kwon who queefed farted, for he was standing right next to Lee Teuk. A number of netizens said that Min Kyung would never relieve herself on stage like that, so maybe she was wearing perfume that Lee Teuk didn’t find appealing. Another bunch of people said that Lee Teuk was probably just joking around but, as for me, I think he just caught a whiff of the pungent stench of defeat, which happens to smell exactly like Min Kyung’s stinky farts.


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