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Sunday 29 March 2009

Super Junior tears it again,Lee Teuk has white syndrome

*click it for large picture,they're crying.

Recently on variety show "MBC Let Me Sleep Here Tonight", Lee Teuk, leader of Super Junior revealed a few secrets.

Lee Teuk revealed his fetish for the color white. Yep, he has a "White syndrome." His dorm bed, desk, clothes, and even underwear is white. He also revealed, "I have to wear white socks, and if my clothes don't have white on them, I get nervous." He also went on to say that if his stage outfits didn't have any white on them, he would have to wear either white underwear or accessories to feel comforted. I know that it must be hard to think of something original once you've gone on lots of variety programs, but really? White syndrome? Next thing you know, Hee Chul will admit to having "Kissing Boys syndrome." ..But we already knew that.

On the other hand, he did reveal a more serious confession about his fellow Super Junior member, Dong Hae. "I don't know if Dong Hae knows this, but before we debut, we ate with his parents. Dong Hae's father told me, "Thank You," and held my hand and told me, "Watch over Dong Hae till the end for me." Donghae, who was touched by his father's words, started tearing. For those of you who didn't know, Donghae's father passed away in 2006 due to a chronic illness.

Its touched! i didnt know about this :'(

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